3 Methods to Embed a Twitter Feed on Your Web site

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Since its inception, Twitter has revolutionized the best way we talk. It’s quick, concise and a good way to attach together with your clients, prospects and purchasers. With almost 230 million day by day energetic customers, Twitter is a robust strategy to amplify your message and showcase your model.

Prospects generally uncover your enterprise on Twitter, however typically they find yourself in your web site from a search engine or different supply reasonably than a Tweet. One key to maximizing discoverability on Twitter? Embed a Twitter feed in your web site and present your Tweet exercise to your web site guests.

Including a Twitter embed widget to your web site helps create a cohesive on-line id and makes it straightforward for folks to observe your on-line conversations in a single place. It could possibly improve engagement from web site guests and Twitter followers, plus it’s a good way to maintain your web site contemporary and related.

5 forms of Twitter feeds you may embed on an internet site

You possibly can embed a Twitter timeline feed or button in your web site utilizing the Twitter widget embed software (listed beneath). Or, there are just a few alternative ways you may show Twitter posts in your web site together with:

  • Twitter’s embedding software (free)
  • Plug-ins and integrations together with your web site internet hosting firm (not all the time free)
  • Third-party instruments or widgets like Taggbox (often not free)

We’ll develop on every of those in a minute.

First, we’ll current an summary of the several types of Twitter feeds and buttons that you could embed by pulling embed code from Twitter. They embrace:

1. Embedded Tweet feeds

A Tweet embed lets you show a single Tweet to your web site.

2. Embedded profile timeline feeds

A profile timeline embed shows Tweets from a single Twitter account in your web site. You even have the choice of embedding Observe and Point out buttons for a Twitter profile.

3. Embedded listing feeds

You possibly can embed a Twitter listing feed instantly onto your web site which exhibits all posts related to a curated listing. Twitter Lists enable Twitter customers to arrange a gaggle of accounts by subject. For instance, you would create a Twitter Listing of trade thought leaders and embed it in your web site’s assets web page.

4. Embedded @deal with feeds

With deal with feeds, you may have the choice to embed a Twitter consumer’s profile (your individual or another person’s) onto your web site. That is one strategy to embed your profile feed with no need the precise profile URL (you solely want the deal with). The deal with embed additionally lets you add Observe, Point out or Hashtag buttons.

5. Embedded #hashtag button

It is a button reasonably than a feed. It has one perform: to allow your web site guests to Tweet a couple of given hashtag out of your web site. Customers merely click on on the Hashtag button, and a draft Tweet opens with the hashtag included.

3 fast methods to embed a Twitter feed to your web site

Now for the enjoyable stuff—three straightforward methods to show a Twitter feed in your web site! You possibly can:

1. Use Twitter’s free software to manually embed your feed

Seize the embed code from Twitter’s embed software by navigating to the Twitter embed web page and inputting the next within the kind discipline:

  • A Twitter hyperlink URL (for an inventory, profile or Tweet)
  • Your Twitter enterprise deal with (e.g., @SproutSocial)
  • A hashtag (e.g., #SproutSocial)
Screenshot of the Twitter embed tool dropdown options.

When you’ve stuffed out the embed kind, Twitter offers you with an embed code that you could copy and paste into your web site. The code for a Twitter deal with (e.g., @SproutSocial) seems like this:

<a category=”twitter-timeline” href=”https://twitter.com/Sprout Social?ref_src=twsrcpercent5Etfw”>Tweets by Sprout Social</a> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Tips on how to embed Twitter feeds in 2 straightforward steps

Step 1. Add the URL of the Tweet you need to embed to the shape discipline.

Screenshot example of a specific Tweet URL placed in the Twitter embed tool.

Step 2. Select your embed show sort—both a Twitter timeline or button show. The timeline shows the Tweet (or listing of Tweets) in your web site the best way Twitter content material shows in its personal feed. The Twitter button permits your guests to work together with you on Twitter with out leaving your web site. Accessible button sorts are:

  • Observe (permits customers to observe your Twitter account)
  • @Point out (permits customers to ship a Tweet to your Twitter deal with)
  • #Hashtag (permits customers to Tweet a couple of hashtag)
Screenshot of the Twitter embed tool button options for your website: Follow, Mention or Hashtag buttons.

Not all choices can be found with all feeds. Some feed sorts don’t have button choices (or have fewer than three) and a few enable just one button. Right here’s a breakdown of what’s accessible by feed sort:


Screenshot example of a single Tweet embed preview.


Profile feed embed instance:

Screenshot example of Sprout Social's profile embedded feed.

Twitter observe button embed instance:

Screenshot example of a Sprout Social's follow button embedded.

Twitter point out button embed instance:

Screenshot example of a Sprout Social's mention button embedded.


Listing feed embed instance:

Screenshot example of a Twitter List by Sprout Social feed.

Deal with

  • Syntax: @SproutSocial
  • Choices: Timeline feed + 3 buttons (Observe, Point out & Hashtag)
  • See above for Observe/Point out button examples

Twitter hashtag button embed instance:

Screenshot example of a Sprout Social's hashtag button embedded.


  • Syntax: #SproutSummit
  • Choices: Hashtag button embed solely (see above instance)

A word about embedded buttons: When a consumer clicks on an embedded button, it opens a brand new browser window on Twitter the place they will full the associated motion (e.g., ship a Tweet utilizing your hashtag, observe your account or point out your account of their Tweet).

2. Use a WordPress plug-in to embed Twitter feeds

WordPress is the hottest CMS on the planet and provides many plug-ins that make it straightforward for site owners to show Twitter feeds and different content material from social media channels. And as soon as you put in a plug-in, you don’t want to fret about embedding any HTML codes.

Smash Balloon is an effective WordPress plug-in for Twitter in order for you a number of choices for personalisation. It provides feed integrations with most high social media platforms. The plug-in additionally permits web site house owners to embed a feed right into a WordPress web page, put up or widget.

The Twitter feed routinely adopts your web site fashion and allows you to customise feed layouts, filter undesirable phrases, and create carousels. There’s a free model accessible with restricted options. The paid model begins at $49/12 months.

Feed Them Social is a strong different to Smash Balloon. It has free and premium choices, with the premium model beginning at $50/12 months for a single area. The plug-in integrates with 4 social networks (together with Twitter) and might embed a number of feeds on the identical web page. Add a number of feeds, embed buttons, incorporate current Tweets inside a feed and customise feed look.

Professional tip: When contemplating a plug-in, be sure that it’s updated and appropriate with the newest WordPress model and has numerous energetic installs and optimistic rankings.

3. Use a third-party Twitter feed software

Third-party instruments like TagBoxx and Flockler concentrate on bringing user-generated content material (UGC) from social platforms into owned environments corresponding to your web site. They have an inclination to offer extra sturdy customization and integration choices than free instruments, and so they’re nice for showcasing visible content material.

Tagboxx provides a social embed widget that lets customers curate and publish social feeds from a big selection of social platforms, (Twitter included). Customers can embed and customise Twitter feeds utilizing hashtags, account profiles and handles. There’s a free model with minimal options so that you can provide it a take a look at drive. The essential plan begins at $39/month.

Flockler’s embed software makes it straightforward to tug Twitter feeds into your web site. Customers can create grids, scrollable carousels and content material “partitions” from Twitter posts, which may be personalized utilizing hashtags, accounts and pages from social media platforms. Pricing begins at $47/month. Whereas there’s no free model, you may take a look at the software with a 14-day free trial.

5 Advantages of embedding your Twitter feed

Including a Twitter feed to your web site is an efficient show-versus-tell strategy when speaking model id and authenticity. There are various different advantages to displaying Twitter posts and different social media content material in your web site together with:

  • Turning web site guests into Twitter followers: Ship web site guests to Twitter, the place they will observe you out of your profile, Tweets and mentions.
  • Rising Twitter attain and engagement: Extra guests can share, like, or Retweet content material on Twitter out of your web site.
  • Constructing belief and credibility: Construct social proof and improve confidence in your model, notably while you share optimistic critiques, buyer suggestions and present information.
  • Rising model loyalty: Create a extra interactive and private expertise for web site guests to interact them together with your model.
  • Changing extra web site guests: Exhibit buyer testimonials, product critiques, awards and firm information, all of which can assist inspire guests to transform.

Handle Twitter engagement with Sprout Social

Embedding Twitter feeds is a good way to seize new audiences and present you’re energetic in digital conversations. Whether or not you’re utilizing Twitter as a buyer care channel or to advertise your model, having a Twitter feed embedded in your web site is effective visibility.

However are you aware how effectively your Twitter followers and impressions are rising?

With a robust Twitter administration software corresponding to Sprout Social, you may schedule and publish Tweets, observe key efficiency metrics, monitor Twitter exercise and simply have interaction with followers.

Be taught extra on how one can use Twitter successfully to construct and develop your model’s presence.